After careful consideration, Aetna has made the decision to only offer ACA-compliant plans to our customers renewing in 2014.
Aetna provided the following notification…
Our Affordable Care Act (ACA)-compliant Small Group plans are proving very popular in California. The vast majority of our renewing customers have chosen to stay with us in one of these plans.
We’re only offering ACA-compliant plans this year. Here’s why.
- We’ve kept rate increases at a minimum.
We did this even with a broader set of benefits and no medical underwriting. Staying with the current, non-ACA compliant plans would result in similar rate increases.
- We want to keep renewals, enrollment and billing as simple as possible. We’ve already sent renewals for ACA-compliant plans to customers with renewal dates through September and October with November and December to be released soon. We were concerned that issuing a second set of renewals for different benefits and rates would create confusion among our customers and administrative challenges for everyone.
Groups renewing with Aetna have a wide selection of plans and networks to choose from. All of our plans and networks can be offered alongside each other allowing Groups and employees to select a plan within their price range.